Art For Charity!

Come see local artists displaying their talent. Get to know them!  
I’ll have some of my Fine Art photography work there!  🙂  
Support local charities and the fund raising door prizes!  
There will be a kids section so they can do their own art,  there will also be food, and music!
Raffle Tickets are $5 each and all the money goes to these Local Charities!
House of Hope
Little Paws Animal Rescue
Foundation 2 Homeless Shelter

Contributors: Wish to donate? Wish to help out with this event?
Let me know!

Facebook Event Page here :

AFC main website:


As always, hope you are having a great day! And stay positive! :)
Visions Photography – Go Beyond the Snapshot, YOU deserve something special!

Merry Christmas!

To all my family, friends, clients, and followers…….I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas full of joy, hope, peace, and happiness!   Thank you so much!

I am very grateful to have each and every one of you in my life!

As always, hope you are having a great day!  And stay positive! :)
Visions Photography – Go Beyond the Snapshot, YOU deserve something special!

You can also see more of my work at the following sites. Blog

Three Images Selected for the Chait Galleries Downtown – “Small Works Show”

Doing a happy dance!  🙂 

The images below were accepted into the “Small Works Show”  at Chait Galleries Downtown in Iowa City, Iowa.   Exhibition dates:  November 4, 2011 – January 4, 2012.   Opening reception: November 4, 2011, 5-8pm at Chait Galleries, 218 East Washington Street, Iowa City, Iowa  52240.

BTW this is the 3rd open call “Small Works Show” that I have been accepted into at Chait!  :)   It’s the 9th gallery show in which I have had fine art images accepted. 

The images will be available for purchase during the show.

Come on out to the show and help support local artists and galleries! 

As always have a great day and stay positive!

Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, You Deserve Something Special!

Two Images Selected for A Smith Gallery – “Alterations Show”

The images below were accepted into the “Alterations” Show at A. Smith Gallery in Johnson City, Texas.   Juried byJill and Dan Burkholder.  Exhibition dates: November 11 to December 18, 2011.  Opening reception: November 26 from 4 to 7 PM.  You can see all the accepted images here:  Accepted Images  Of the 318 submitted images, 48 were selected for the show.  I feel very honored to be a part of  the this show by just being in the company of the great images selected! 

BTW this is the 4th open call show that I have been accepted into at A. Smith Gallery!  :)   It’s the 8th gallery show in which I have had fine art images accepted. 

A special shout out and thanks to everyone that has helped me along this photographic  journey of mine!   You know who you are!   :)    

Winding Road


Old Fork


As always have a great day and stay positive!

Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, You Deserve Something Special!

The Great “Bald” Cardinal

I was sitting out in the backyard doing paperwork, ok laptop work, 🙂 and this guy landed at the feeder.  I was like, looks like a Cardinal but that isn’t a Cardinal head!?!?!?   Ok I got to get a picture, went to get my camera and of course he was gone. 

So over the next few days every time I went out in the backyard I brought my camera with me and finally got this shot of him.  Now if you can imagine this, I’m sitting out at the patio table with the umbrella up, it’s raining out, talking on the cell phone to a friend and there he is!  So balancing the cell phone in my ear, with the camera up to my eye, snap, got him!  LoL


After doing a little google research, I found it’s the bald cardinal sometimes called “pinhead” or “mini red vulture”.   LoL….Gotta love Google! 

Cardinals can go bald for a couple of reasons. This time of year the birds are molting so before the new feathers grow in the old feathers fall out and for some reason cardinals will sometimes lose all the feathers on their head. The skin is black and without the fluffy feathers, their head looks teeny tiny especially with the massive bill.

Sometimes birds will get feather mites and all their feathers will get eaten away by the mites and the birds are bald until they grow in new ones. However, if you are seeing bald cardinals this time of year, it’s a safe bet that they are molting.   

Since “Dude”, (yea I named him, LoL) has started visiting my backyard, he has given me inspiration.  I’ve noticed  he and his “better half” have a nest in the yard.  After realizing this another thought hit me.   If  “Dude” was human, probably no one would date him because he is different.  If “Dude” was human and in high school, he would be picked on and bullied for being “different.”   If “Dude” was human and walking down the street people would stop and stare because he is “different.”

What does that say to us about the way humans act sometimes?  Nature doesn’t care if one of her creations is a little different, why does it bother some of us humans?

I say embrace those differences, make those differences your strengths!  “Dude” does and through it he gave a little inspiration to this human!  🙂

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!

Artistic Adventures 4

Once again, it’s been a while since I posted some personal work, too long!  LoL 

The weather has been getting warmer and it reminded me of trips out to the blind and that I hadn’t posted any of these images yet. 

Late last fall, I went out to Lake MacBride Raptor Center with Greg Frieden and Stubby Webb, two really good friends of mine.  What a great place! 

You can not only get up close and personal with the raptors that are in their care, but they also have a blind.  The blind is SUPER for observing nature and birds and wildlife of all types.  We were able to observe deer, cardinals, raccoons, finches, and woodpeckers all while sitting in the blind. 

Great way to get away from everyday life and just enjoy being alive!  You can really learn a lot about life just watching nature.  


As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!

Pelicans in Iowa?

Pelicans in Iowa?  That was the same question Greg Frieden and myself were asking when we spotted them one day last October while we were out at Lake MacBride. 

Tuns out they nest in western Canada and in larger lake regions in the western US and that they regularly migrate through Iowa in spring and fall.

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!


Simplicity Show – A Smith Gallery

This is just too cool!  I had to share!  🙂  Back to back shows!  “Doing a Happy Dance”  LoL 

My image “White Moth” shown below has been accepted into A Smith Gallery’s Simplicity Competition juried by Robert Hecht.    Of the 571 submitted images, 49 were selected for the show. 

You can see all of the accepted entries here: With the quality of the accepted entries, I feel truly honored to have been accepted into this show!  🙂 

This is the 6th gallery show in which I’ve had fine art images accepted. 

Dates for the show are February 25 to April 17, 2011, Opening Reception is February 26, 2011 4 to 7 PM at A Smith Gallery in Johnson City, Texas. 

As I stated above, I’m currently  in another show at A Smith Gallery, Romance. 

THE STORY BEHIND THIS IMAGE  (Every picture tells a story)

The image was taken almost exactly two months after loosing a precious furry friend by the name of Chief to cancer.  (Chief’s story)  I had been thinking about him a lot that week.  I was in my bathroom doing what people normally do in a bathroom and felt an energy change, a good energy change, full of warmth! 

This white moth just came out of “nowhere” and started fluttering around my head and finally landed by the shower.  Hard to explain but it just “felt” like Chief was there with me in the form of this moth.  He landed in the perfect place as the late afternoon light was pouring into the bathroom and bouncing off the mirror to the spot in which it landed. 

My camera is always just a few steps away, grabbed it from the kitchen  and took a couple of shots of this white little guy.  Yes he was still waiting for me when I got back with the camera and right lens.  🙂  Anyway very soon after taking the shots, the moth flew away into the hallway, and I never saw him again…disappearing as quickly as he had appeared.  (I included my favorite image of Chief at the end of this post.)

White Moth

I LOVE being a photographer, and LOVE being able to use my skills for both my portrait and wedding clients, and creating family heirlooms for them.  Precious memories of a lifetime!   For me there is no better feeling than to see the happy faces on my clients when they see their images for the first time.

I also LOVE doing fine art photography and participating in gallery shows.  The Fine Art work I do helps keep me inspired to keep producing quality images for my clients, but it also helps me to consistently improve my skills, my understanding of light and composition and how they work together.  Photography is truly a life long journey, you never stop learning. 

Photography is my reason for being here, I truly believe it is why I was put on this earth! 


As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!

Hummingbirds, Butterflies and Birds…Ohh my

Just some little backyard fun from earlier this summer!  Since the weather is so cold lately, thought I’d warm things up a bit with some VISIONS from warmer times.  🙂

Time out for a little preening. 

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!

3 Images Accepted to Small Works Show at The Chait Galleries Downtown

The show runs from November 5, 2010 to January 5, 2011.   The opening reception for the show is Friday, November 5, 2010 from 5-8 pm.

This is the 4th time I’ve had images accepted into gallery shows, the 2nd year in a row now for the Chait Galleries Downtown Small Works Show. 

I consider it an honor to be participating in this and all shows that I’ve had work accepted to.

A huge THANK YOU to ALL my CLIENTS for your loyalty, generosity and placing your trust in me!  You allow me to do what I love for a living!  For that I can’t thank you enough! 

A very special thanks to Stephanie Webb, Greg Frieden, Jaime Moquin, Miriam Anderson, Jim McKinniss, Lynn Rider, Lisa and Curtis Harris for your friendships first and foremost, and for keeping me motivated. your honest opinions, and your encouragement! 

And to you friends, especially Judith Farber for your constant pushing for us to improve, and to Tanja Mamas, Audrey Lee, Jim Stearns, and everyone else on PWS, a very special thanks for helping me to improve my work! 

Sunday Morning

Make it Stop

Mamas Home

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!